Sigil e-book editor in a new incarnation

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It's hard not to recommend Sigil when it comes to creating and editing e-books. The good news is that the developers want the program to continue and by adding a plugin framework are encouraging external developers to add features.

Still, Sigil is missing some important functions, such as a table editor. Without it, you must resort to external programs and import the results as HTML files into Sigil. This process involves some work but is still easier than editing tables in XHTML code. Developers also have to address the new EPUB3 format in upcoming versions that is still not part of the current one. However, a fork of an older version is making some progress in this respect [13].

Taking a look at the Sigil documentation [14] as well as the wiki [15] is strongly recommended. Both sources answer the most common questions related to writing e-books in Sigil. l

Where to Publish?

Before you go directly to Amazon to publish your e-book, be aware of the restrictive rules and payment plans you will encounter. As a sales platform, Amazon takes a good chunk of the pie, leaving you only 70 percent of the revenue. A better solution may be to go with a publisher who works with Amazon and gives you a better share. Self-publishing websites [16] can help you decide the matter.

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