Creating Debian packages on your own

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Control Center

Although control contains only descriptive data, rules determines the course of the build packaging process, including compiling the source code. The rules file is a Makefile, like that used during the program compile. Figure 6 shows the version created by dh_make on the left, with the version from Ubuntu ffDiaporama on the right.

Figure 6: The "rules" file in the debian/ subdirectory is the key Makefile that drives the entire package build process.

I'll stay with the default version for now: Apart from the comments, it consists of the following equally short and cryptic lines:

   dh $@

To understand these lines requires some basic knowledge of the GNU Make macroprocessor. In Makefiles, <name>: is a called a "target."

Thus, make install, for example, executes all shell commands that follow install: in the Makefile. The %: is a wildcard target that Make always executes, regardless of whether you specify make love or make war.

The $@ variable in the Makefile contains the name of the evoked targets. Therefore make -f rules dh_auto_configure calls on dh dh_auto_configure. Because rules is an executable file and the first shebang (#!) line selects Make as the interpreter, the direct call rules dh_auto_configure works. (The entry after the shebang (e.g., #!/bin/sh) refers to the interpreter of the code in this file. This mechanism is exclusive to Unix-like operating systems.)

Through the Makefile indirection that passes the target name with the dh parameter, dpkg-buildpackage then calls dh clean, dh build, and fakeroot dh binary. These three calls constitute the three main phases of package building: cleaning the source directory of possible previous build attempts, compiling the source code (./configure and make), and packaging the compiled files in a Debian.

All three dh calls start further helpers who perform the actual work. Their numbers alone reflect Debian's typical thoroughness: Three scripts remove remnants of any previous compiler run, four configure and compile the source code (./configure, make or their equivalents), and all of 42 are responsible for the make install call and creating the Debian package (Figure 7).

Figure 7: Using the Makefile rules file, dh_buildpackage makes three calls, starting a slew of helper scripts that compile the source code and build the Debian package.

A side note: dh binary and its subordinate helpers run under Fakeroot. Within the Fakeroot environment, they can write files of root ownership without having "real" root privileges. That's essential because files installed system-wide need to be root for security purposes. Fakeroot, however, prevents an erratic make install call from damaging the system.

Bank Shot

The reason for the indirect call to dh <parameter> via Makefile is evident from a look at the right-hand version of rules from the original ffDiaporama package in Figure 6. The targets beginning with override marked in red demonstrate how dh_<xxx> calls are replaced by shell commands: Every override_ target signals the build system to execute it instead of the target's dh_<xxx>.

The dh_auto_configure call replaces the original Ubuntu rules file with the qmake-qt4 command, the Qmake-specific equivalent of the familiar ./configure.

Maintainers might have considered this safer than relying on automatic creation. However, the automatic version created by dh_make also works: The help script apparently detects Qmake as the correct build system. There are cases, however, where only replacing Debian helpers with shell commands works.

Moreover, the dh_fixperms override combines console commands with Debian helpers instead of completely replacing them – a common approach in practice. In this specific case, an automated check for security vulnerabilities in file privileges does not allow write permissions to be added by hand before calling dh_fixperms.

The third override doesn't replace dh_install, but rather gives the helper script a calling parameter only. Which ones the Debian helpers understand as well as their role in the build system are described in the script manpages [7].

An important practical tip: If dh_auto_configure, for example, calls the correct configure command, but you still want to supply a parameter, then you can write an override_dh_auto_configure: target with the content dh_auto_configure -- --<parameter>. The helper script passes all parameters after the -- unchanged to the called command.

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