Kali Linux 2.0

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In recent years, the Debian-based Kali Linux has developed into one of the best Linux distributions for IT security audits and is therefore very popular with network and system administrators. In the recently released 2.0 version, the developers have not just redesigned and visually enhanced the main parts of the operating system but have also introduced some innovations under the hood.

With Kali Linux, you always have the option of live operations or installing on a local disk. Debian is still used as the base system – although this does not exclusively mean benefits – primarily for the reason that Debian doesn't inherently give you proprietary drivers and files. In a local installation, a routine launches to help you configure network access; this also means wireless network connections. If the computer has a wireless card that requires proprietary firmware, this is only available after the corresponding firmware files have been integrated. Problems therefore occasionally arise, particularly with cutting-edge hardware components.

Kali Linux is available in a variety of customized versions [1]. As well as the approximately 3.1GB full versions for 32- and 64-bit architectures, there are also significantly smaller light and mini versions, each for the common Intel processor architectures. However, they naturally come at the price of a scaled-down software configuration. It is therefore a good idea to use the full version on newer computer systems with corresponding storage capacities.


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