Announced last week, the Ubuntu Managers at Canonical are giving weekly Q & A sessions to the community. Originally to be held in the ubuntu-meeting channel, these sessions have been moved to the moderated #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat IRC channels on week's session was with Pete Graner, the Ubuntu Kernel Team Manager at Canonical. Talking About Ubuntu has a great easily readable (not in IRC log form) summary of this session.Today's Q&A Session: To... more »
Ahmed Kamal, the Ubuntu cloud community liaison interviews Greg Taylor to discuss “media-nommer” an open-source cloud based distributed media encoding system that runs over the Ubuntu server platform over Amazon EC2. Ahmed Kamal: Hi Greg, obviously I'm very interested in cloud based technologies and scalable apps. I know you have done some great work building a distributed media encoder cloud application based on Ubuntu server running over the Amazon EC2 cloud. Would you please give us some b... more »
[Update: Post has been changed to reflect the Mailing List announcement and not the earlier Wiki Page Information] Alpha 2 for Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal was released today and as with any releases still in development comes with all the usual developers only warnings.Having said that below is the Ubuntu Natty Narwhal Alpha 2 Release Announcement which Kate Stewart, Ubuntu Release Manager at Canonical, sent to the ubuntu-devel announce mailing list today.Welcome to Natty Narwhal Alpha 2, whi... more »
According to the Ubuntu wiki pages there will be a weekly question and answer series to be lead by community leaders and Canonical managers. How to participateAll of the sessions will take place over IRC in the #ubuntu-meeting channel on Anyone can participate in these question and answer sessions by logging into the channel and asking questions. Questions should be asked by prefixing it with 'QUESTION' in uppercase letters - this helps the session leader pick out the questions... more »
Ubuntu Developer Day will be held in Bangalore, India on January 27th, 2011 and this Canonical sponsored event is set to expand developers productivity on the Ubuntu platform. The event is free but you must register.This event is geared toward engineers and developers who are interested in using Ubuntu as a developer platform as well as those developing applications for the Ubuntu users. Topics currently include how Canonical works with developers, ISVs opportunities, Ubuntu cloud-computing,... more »
In an email to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list, Colin Watson, Ubuntu Developer at Canonical, announced that the daily PlayStation 3 CD builds have stopped for the Natty cycle."Changes made by Sony to the "Other OS" facilities of the PS3 have made it increasingly difficult for people with new systems to run Ubuntu on them, and there seem to be hardly any developers with the interest and ability to keep the CD images working," Watson said in the email. "Building... more »
After UDS-N (Ubuntu Developer Summit for the Natty release), Matt Zimmerman, Canonical CTO, wrote about plans for the Ubuntu Technical Board to begin reviewing brainstorm ideas and responding to those ideas on a quarterly basis.Zimmerman discusses this process in his, Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 10 for December 2010, post today. His post lists the ideas that were reviewed and gives official responses from various developers. "This is the first batch, and we plan to repeat this process each qua... more »
Canonical maintains a list of hardware that is certified for Ubuntu. Victor Palau, Platform Services Manager at Canonical wrote a blog post about Ubuntu certification which caused me to wonder if my Dell, XPS M1330 laptop, running Ubuntu 10.10 was Ubuntu certified. Below are the screenshots and steps I took to find the answer that question.  Step 1. I looked in the list to find the make of my computer. Mine I found... more »
Shown below, is the Ubuntu, Natty Narwhal, Alpha 1 release announcement, that Kate Stewart, Ubuntu Release Manager, Canonical, posted to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list earlier today.defn Spy Hopping: "A form of cetacean behavior that consists of rising vertically out of the water, head first, and scanning the entire surrounding area while rotating." (Source: Dor) Natty Narwhal is doing a first bit of Spy Hopping, also known as Alpha 1, which will in time become Ubuntu 11.04.... more »

Follow along as Ubuntu enthusiast and Community organizer Amber Graner helps put the "You" in Ubuntu.

Amber Graner is an active Ubuntu community member and organizer who encourages everyone around her to participate, support, and learn about Ubuntu and Open Source. With a smile and a sense of humor, Amber reminds people that there is a place for everyone in the Ubuntu community – regardless of technical skill level (or lack thereof). She is constantly looking for people, places, and events within the Ubuntu community that help inspire Ubuntu users to participate actively within the Ubuntu community. Email Amber at amber AT ubuntu-user DOT com.


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